Library: Wilkabaa currently has 800 library books but nowhere to house them. We are seeking donations for a new library as well as donations for more books for the children.
Dormitory: Wilkabaa has a number of orphans & students from less privileged backgrounds who are now boarding. We are seeking donations for a new dormitory for them as well as furniture to fit it out in the way of beds, lockers etc.
Dining Hall: Now that some of the children are boarding, Wilkabaa requires a dining hall and kitchen facility where nutritious meals can be prepared and enjoyed together.
Bridge: Wilkabaa is located near a big river called River Kijenge. Nearly 75% of students cross that river to get to and from school. Currently , there is a small bridge made of timber which we replace almost every year before the rainy season begins. Kindly join us in making a donation to ensure the children can cross safely to and from school.